Friday, September 25, 2009

My hometown is only complete, really my hometown, for five days a year, Tuesday through Saturday of the third full week of September. That's Ephrata Fair week. As a town kid, living on the square, I knew that every Wednesday morning of fair week, I could look out the second story window of my apartment building and see the merry-go-round ready to go to work.
It was the 1950s and the horses were handcarved from solid wood, unlike the handsome, but plastic, steed here. Many of those wooden horses have been lost to the dump, fire, termites or just plain lost. The ones that have survived can command some astonishing prices.
In fact, if you have an extra $10,000 or $15,000 in your cookie jar, you might want to take a look here
Actually, my fondest memories are not of the horses, but of the rides and the food. I'm not so keen on the rides anymore, especially the octopus. The arms of the octopus went around in big circles, the seats spun in little circle, the arms went up and down and they tilted. I think that covered all the possible ways to move, at least in a three-dimensional universe.
Let me eat a cheese steak, a couple of Cokes, french fries, a candy apple, another Coke and one of those pan-fried, swirly, fried dough things with powdered sugar and buy me a ticket to the Octopus and you'll be my enemy for life, Adam Brubaker. There. I've said it. That's why I didn't come to your wedding.

Is there something fishy going on in the dairy industry? Christine Varney wants to know. Her interest is especially notable because she heads up the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Varney was in St. Albans, Vermont, last week at the invitation of the state's two U.S. senators, Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders. She met with the senators and other politicians, farmers and the general public. Lancaster Farming correspondent Steve Taylor was there and prepared a report for the issue due in your mailbox tomorrow.

Who says only people and a few monkeys can use tools?

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