Tuesday, December 8, 2009

     G. Why didn't I think of that. Chris  Jagger, who owns and operates Blue Fox Farm in Applegate, Oregon, has turned a 1940s Allis-Chalmers Model G tractor into an all-around electric powered workpony for his approximately 20-acre organic setup. Even with a gas engine, the G isn't exactly a work "horse", but Jagger likes the small tractor's nimble ways around row crops.
     It's clean, quiet, can run really slow and doesn't burn fossil fuels. He does have a conventional tractor for heavier work.
     Jagger isn't the only organic farmer to turn to an electrified G. And he's not the first. Ron Khosla started the trend in the winter of 2001-2002 in his farm shop in New Paltz, New York. He said his interest was driven purely by efficiency and economics, rather than an overwhelming desire to save the planet, but he's happy to do his part. After he posted his methods on the internet, other farmers converted their Gs and told him about it. He stopped counting the conversion stories after he got to 100.
     Jeff Bernard wrote an Associated Press story about Jagger and took the photo you see here. You can read his story at:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/08/AR2009120800205_2.html
     The Blue Fox Organics website is here:  http://bluefoxorganics.com/about/
     I couldn't find Ron Khosla's original instructions, but these guys seem to have covered the subject fairly well:  http://www.flyingbeet.com/electricg/ 

     A little more light in the henhouse, figuratively speaking, should result from new USDA rules that call for more transparency and basic protections for poultry growers who operate under contracts with feed companies. Which is just about everybody. Ag Secretry Tom Vilsack announced the new regulations from the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) would take effect on January 4. You can read about the announcement in our current edition, which also gives a website for the new rule, or you can read about it online here: http://www.lancasterfarming.com/node/2420 

If you don't care at all about cars, don't click on this link: http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=1795775623405767594 

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