Thursday, January 14, 2010

     Some Iowa legislators are behind a move to amend the state constitution to remove the word "idiot" from the document. They also want to get the plow out of a soldier's rear, said plow mandated by a section of the constitution which says that the Iowa state seal shall embody "... a field of standing wheat ... a lead furnace and pile of pig lead ... the citizen soldier, with a plow in his rear, supporting the American flag and liberty cap with his right hand, and his gun with his left ..."
     In the constitution, people with mental disabilities are referred to as "idiots," and Iowa voters are being asked to change the constitution in the fall election to remove the offensive language. Former lawmaker Darrell Hanson would also like to get that plow out of the soldier's rear. It's been there for more than a century, and he feels it's about time.
     The "idiot" part, for some reason, made me think of a number of our insanely partisan lawmakers here in Pennsylvania as they went through the latest budget debacle. It also made me think of a great use for a plow. A four-bottom. At least.

     If you haven't been to the Pennsylvania Farm Show yet, you've got just tomorrow and Saturday left. I was there last night to cover the auctioneer's bid calling contest and the antique tractor pull. The tractor pull was noisy and colorful and I got some pictures. I was glad I didn't get a number for the bid contest, because I was on the verge of buying just about everything. Got my baked potato on the way out. Got some cider and a maple sundae, too. And a grilled portabello sandwich from the mushroom growers. It was barely okay, and made me regret not going with my first impulse, which would have been a big cup of those deep-fried thingies, or my second impulse, which would have been the mushroom salad.

     Your First Amendment at work. Did somebody mention "idiot?"

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