Friday, August 13, 2010

Will cages be phased out in Ohio? This guy wants to know.

     Ohio farm leaders have agreed to settle their issues with animal rights groups who want producers to give chickens more room, take nursing sows out of gestation crates, and release veal calves from confinement. It was a surprise truce, spurred by farmer fears that a state-wide voter referendum in November would place them under tighter restrictions than those they agreed to.  Governor Ted Strickland urged the two sides to negotiate an agreement. The Ohio Farm Bureau and the Humane Society of the United States were the main proponents of the opposing viewpoints. Kirk Irwin, writing for the New York Times, talked to a number of farmers who felt challenged by the changes affecting their operations, but seemed to be taking them in stride. The family of Irv Bell, 64, has been growing hogs in Zanesville, Ohio, since the 19th century. “I work with the hogs every day, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with gestation crates,” Bell said. “But I have to be aware of things on the horizon, the bigger things at work.” A spokesman for the United Egg Producers said following Humane Society guidelines could raise the cost of eggs by 25 percent. The story in the Times is here:

     Monday morning you'll be able to see the newest version of And it looks like it'll be a doozy. After months of preparation, our new website if finally ready with new and improved content. Readers will be able to access current editions, look up stories on previous editions and troll through our 500-plus ads a week by category. The website is designed to complement, rather than replace, our print edition, and some of the electronic features - particularly the Mailbox Markets section - will be available only to print edition subscribers. Staff writer Chris Torres wrote a downright exciting review of the new website, which you can read here:

     And you thought your house was old...

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