Wednesday, May 26, 2010

     A Canadian construction crew has been working like beavers for the past 40 years or so to build one of the world's largest dams. Actually, they are beavers, and their 2,800-foot-long dam is in Alberta's Wood Buffalo National Park. The dam might still be undiscovered were it not for ecologist Jean Thie, who was searching Google's earth imagery from cameras in outer space. Thie said two smaller dams have been spotted being built out from the main dam, and could eventually result in a huge dam structure more than half-a-mile long. Typical beaver dams are more like 30 to 300 feet long and rarely reach 1,500 feet. The Wood Buffalo park rangers would like to get a closer look at the dam, but its virtually inaccessible by foot, vehicle or horse, and there's not enough open water to land a plane. You can read more about the dam at

     From dairy cows to zonkeys and pumpkins. When dairy prices plummeted last year, the Norz family of Somerset County, N.J., made the difficult decision to get out of the milk business and into the education/agritainment arena. Norz Hill Farm dates back to 1920, when it was begun by Rich Norz, Jr.'s, grandfather. At one time, there were 700 animals on the farm, with 300 cows milking. The family won awards and produced some outstanding AI sires, but the herd was in the red. Norz says their new mission is to educate their neighbors about agriculture through their agritainment venture. That's where the zonkey - a cross between a donkey and a zebra - comes in. And the llamas, alpacas, peacocks, pumpkins, the corn maze and and other ventures. Lancaster Farming staff writer Chris Torres visited Norz Hill recently, and prepared a report for our current edition. Or you can read it here

     Canine mother of the year, blah-blah-blah-etc-etc. If she's got enough milk for 21 pups, shouldn't a breed association be looking at her genetics?

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