Monday, May 17, 2010

     Proposed remedies for global warming are like treating a nosebleed with a tourniquet around the patient's neck, according to Matt Ridley, a Brit who writes about science and money. He's written a book, The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves, in which he says that human ingenuity will solve the problems bedeviling this planet with its growing population, limited resources and bumbling governments. There is one unlimited resource - human ingenuity - according to Ridley that will solve the problem of feeding an additional two billion people by the end of this century. And, he says, thanks in large measure to GMO crops, we could all be enjoying more and better food produced on less land and using less water and fertilizer than we use today. He thinks we could even return some current farmland back to wilderness. If you are looking for hope, and a reason to believe in the future, you may well find them between the pages of this book, which is available at And if you're looking for a review of the tome itself, you can find it in the current edition of The Economist, here: 

     A raw milk producer in Lancaster County drew the attention of FDA inspectors who visited his farm in February. The farmer, Daniel Allgyer, turned the inspectors away. They came back with a federal search warrant on April 20, looking for evidence that he was shipping raw milk across state lines. It's an interesting cat-and-mouse story, and you think you know who's the cat and who's the mouse, but then again maybe you don't. There's a story about Dan and his early-morning visitors on page one of our current edition, or you can read it here:

     I think I could vote for this guy just to see what would happen.

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