Friday, July 16, 2010

     No beaches have been closed because of an ethanol spill, is one of the ethanol industry's newest talking points. Even before the BP disaster, Growth Energy, an ethanol lobbying group, had launched a TV campaign touting "America's Sensible Fuel," a fuel that promotes peace, is economical, home-produced and renewable. It sounds, and is, too good to be true. Less efficient than gasoline, more corrosive to today's engines, a significant factor in higher food prices, and a production and distribution infrastructure that depends on government subsidies, all  make ethanol less than a miracle fuel. Washington's policymakers agree that biofuels will be part of our country's energy future, but they generally agree that we will have to move away from corn ethanol, according to a recent story in The Economist. You can read that report here

     Here's a fish that can belch and walk on land. Five fraternities have asked him to pledge.   

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