Friday, November 27, 2009

     Don't mess with his sheep. And don't be riding your bike past his flock, or hiking too close, and don't be a coyote or a bear or anything smaller than a raging bull elephant. 
     Sam Robinson, a sheepherder like his father and grandfather before him, uses white Great Pyrenees dogs, like the one shown here, to keep his 1,300 sheep safe from predators. He pastures his flock on grassland leased from the Army near Camp Hale, Colorado. That state has become a mecca for whose lives are all about outdoor recreation.
     However, if you happen to run - or in the case of Renee Legro, bike - into a flock of sheep being guarded by dogs, you could be in trouble.
     Legro, who lives in Eagle, a town near Camp Hale, was participating in a bicycle race when she was attacked by Robinson's dogs, who saw as a threat to their flock. Her ER doc said he lost count of the number of stitches he used to sew Legro back up.
     Although Colorado law exempts livestock owners from lawsuits based on dog bites, the Legros successfully sued the Robinsons for harboring dangerous dogs. There was anger on both sides, and both sides had their sympathizers. It's an interesting story about the right to ranch vs. the right to recreate. Los Angeles Times writer Nicholas Riccardi wrote about the conflict in today's edition. You can read it here:,0,7742604.story

     Getting charged up over electric rates, a group of farmers from Lebanon County met recently to talk about pooling their buying power to lower their electric bills. Organized by the Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce, the meeting was prompted by the impending removal of rate caps on electric generation that have been in place in the region since 1996. Lancaster Farming correspondent Sue Bowman was at the meeting and prepared a report for this week's issue. You can also read her story here:

     What? You stayed home today? And you didn't turn on your TV? Well, here's what you missed:

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