Friday, November 13, 2009

     Warren Buffet's new train set cost a mere $26.3 billion. Buffett has Montana farmers worried, and he has environmentalists scratching their heads. Buffet's train set is called the Burlington Northern Santa Fe line and it has a virtual rail monopoly in Montana. The company owns 90 percent of the tracks in Big Sky country, and has tended in the past to act the way you would expect a monopoly to act.
     When diesel prices went up over the past two years, shipping rates for a bushel of wheat or barley went up, sometimes as much as 20 cents overnight. When diesel prices fell earlier this year, so did the cost to ship a bushel of grain. But it took awhile - four months, Allen Merrill, president of the Montana Farmers Union, and it didn't come down very far. A mere two cents.
     And the environmentalists? Well, sure, trains use less fuel per ton mile than trucks. But Burlington Northern's car are filled mostly with coal. So you're using a fuel-friendly method to move mountains of one of the world's biggest pollutants. That's almost as complicated a calculus as cap-and-trade.
     Merrill and his fellow growers are hoping Buffett will pay them a visit and listen sympathetically to their concerns.
     A couple of posts by Wall Street Journal blogger Michael Corkery outlined the concerns of farmers and environmentalists. You can read them here and here

     Thieves have been hitting farm equipment dealers hard in recent weeks, with a couple of Pennsylvania dealers reporting losses of $100,000. According to Dave Close, operations manager for the Northeast Equipment Dealers Association, they are currently cooperating with a dozen police departments and 30 or 40 dealers who've been robbed. A surveillance camera caught these images of a tractor trailer pulling into a dealership and apparently making off with some pricey equipment. Lancaster Farming staff writer Chris Torres interviewed  area dealers about the situation, and prepared a report for tomorrow's edition.

     When chickens go bad, people can act like dumb clucks.


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