Thursday, April 29, 2010

     Ничто не будет работать, как олень. Or, as they say in Moline, "Nothing runs like a Deere."
Reuter's reported on Tuesday that the world's largets farm equipment maker is opening up shop in Russia with a half-billion dollar manufacturing and parts distribution plant near Moscow. It's not the first time Big Green has been to Russia. A century ago the company filled an order from the Pacific city of Vladivostock for 900 plows. You can read the Reuter's story here:

     The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday about the rift between conventional and organic farmers over genetically modified (GMO) crops. A lower court has ruled against the sale of GMO Roundup-resistant alfalfa seeds. Organic farmers say their industry, particularly dairy, could be destroyed if non-GMO feeds became unavailable. Conventional producers want to have all the science and biotechnology they can get. Of course, Lancaster Farming was there in the person of staff writer Chris Torres, who prepared a report for the issue due in your mailbox Saturday. His impressions of the Justices? "There was a pole in front of me," Torres said, "so I could hardly see anything, but I noticed that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is really short, and that Justice Alito is a really down-to-earth guy."

     Speaking of Big Green...


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