Monday, April 12, 2010

"No Go" GMOs in Africa


Africa isn't Indiana, if we follow the thinking of Dennis Keeney and Sophia Murphy, staff members at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in Minneapolis. And GMO crops designed for the wide open acreages in our Midwest are definitely not suited for the small-scale farms, often less than an acre, common in most of Africa. Keeney and Murphy take none other than Bill Gates, arguably the world's most ambitious philanthropist, for his support of efforts by Monsanto et al to sell GMO seed to farmers in Africa. The IATP duo feels that Gates should spend his foundation's hundreds of millions on efforts to improve Africa's indigenous crops. They made their comments in yesterday's edition of the Des Moines Register, which you can see here:


Our nuttiest feature story ever.  John Herbert of Gettysburg has a passion for nuts, and thinks nut trees and their flavorful, healthful fruits. He thinks his fellow Pennsylvanians could find both satisfaction and profit in growing one or more of the many species that grow in the commonwealth. Lancaster Farming food and family editor called on Herbert to talk about his favorite kind of tree, and reported on the visit in our current edition.

     Wonder what you'd get for $772?

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